Stop Spewing Hatred and Calling it Politics
As the election draws ever nearer it’s practically impossible to get on social media of any kind without seeing someone’s political views, and honestly, I

Take All the Pictures
A few weeks ago, my mom got remarried. As a gift, one of their friends offered to take photos of them and our families on

Why Do Love Languages Matter?
Personality tests are all the rage in our society right now. Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, DiSC, and countless others. While I’m not someone who puts much stock into

A Work in Progress
This past weekend Chase and I celebrated one whole year in our home! Celebrating the progress we’ve made felt like such a huge milestone in

Creating Shrink Plastic Magnets
Recently as I was scrolling on YouTube, I saw a video of Moriah Elizabeth creating pushpins out of shrink plastic. As many of you know,

I Love My “Wasted” Twenties
The other day when I got on twitter, I saw a tweet that rubbed me the wrong way. It said: “I hate this pandemic. If